Be Better - Not Sick!.

It's no great secret - oh wait - maybe knowing how to be better - not sick - IS a long lost secret!

It seems like we've all forgotten how to stay better - not sick!

Sometimes Being Sick is Nature`s Way of
Suggesting That You Need a Break

Do you ever feel like you`re on a treadmill? Sure, you've gotten most of your "to-do list" done for today, but you're already making another one for tomorrow. Your "days off" aren't really days off, you're still running with groceries to buy, housework, chauffeuring the kids around. It feels like it never ends. 

Being better - not sick is about more than not being too sick to get to your job tomorrow. It's about more than not feeling crappy. It's about your life, your happiness and joy, your peace and well-being.

Maybe that doesn't sound like you right now.

Maybe you're caught in a whirl of stress and demands, a need for money and being run by other people's schedules.

"Peace" is a rare commodity that's hard to find.

And So You Get Sick

There are two issues here - first - if you're sick right now, well, you just want to get feeling better!

The second is - maybe you can gradually make some good changes that will help you to stay better - not sick. 

The first one can usually happen pretty quickly, the second one - well, that can sometimes take a little while. Some changes just can't happen overnight. But they can happen. 

You know what they say, "Half the fun is getting there!"

I'll be adding more pages with tips and helps about staying better - not sick, but In the meantime -

5 Ways To Help You Feel Better

1. Don't be a Superman or Supermom.
    You can't necessarily leave everything undone, but maybe you can leave some things.
    There's nothing like rest to help a body heal.
    Being "tough" really isn't worth it. 

2. Remember that old adage, "Drink plenty of fluids?
    It's still true. Drink lots of water, herbal tea, ginger tea is good if you're nauseous. 
    Water with lemon and ginger is also good. My son-in-law will take a couple of lemons and
    cut them into chunks, add a few chunks of ginger root and simmer them in a pot of water
    for at least 20 minutes. He drinks the liquid down as a tea. He says it cures anything!

3. Sleep
    You're extra tired because your immune system is working overtime.
    So sleep. You need it. You're not being lazy; you're being smart.

4. Don't eat unless you're actually hungry.
    If you don't feel like eating, don't. If you make yourself eat, you probably won't digest your food very well anyway.
    Don't worry, your appetite will come back!
    But make sure you still stay hydrated! 

5. And you know what? It's really OK to keep your germs at home :)
    I know that there are job and money pressures that make you go to work when you really should be staying home.
I worked at a bank a few years ago, and everyone felt obligated to come in to work, even if they could barely get out of bed. But everyone was touching the same phones and computers and money and dishes in the kitchen and the microwave and they were sneezing and coughing everywhere - everyone would end up getting sick. And that's not good either!

And if you're sick right now, I hope you feel better really, really soon!

New! Comments

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Teresa has left the city life and lives in Prince Edward Island, Canada with her husband
and is wondering if raising chickens will be her next project.
She has 4 grown up children and 5 grandkids who try to visit when they won't
have to spend too much time dodging mosquitoes and black flies.
Teresa is a certified Strategic Interventionist through Robbins Madanes training,
a certified StrengthsFinder adviser,
and a life coach with a life-long interest in nutrition.

Teresa has a passion for helping others to find and fulfill
their full potential and to live with abundance.
She sees optimum health as a necessary part of this,
and besides, isn't this what you want?