Your Blood Sugar Level -
More Important Than You Might Think

How is your blood sugar level doing? You already know how you feel if it's too low, but if it's too high, it's not so easy to notice. Maybe you're thirstier, maybe you get up more often at night to go to the bathroom, but you don't think too much of it.

Then you have a doctor's appointment and you're told "Your blood sugar level is too high!"

Or you know you have diabetes, but you're having trouble stabilizing your blood sugar levels. It may be that your blood pressure is up as well, and you're getting concerned. The doctor has medications he wants you on, and that should help keep both your blood sugar and blood pressure down.

That's One Answer,
But Is It The Only Answer?

I've watched my sister juggle her blood sugar level. She would drink orange juice or eat crackers. Sometimes chocolate milk. Sometimes I'd be over and she'd get out some white home-made buns, and slather on the butter and jam. Back then, I really didn't know much about diabetes and blood sugar levels, but I wondered why someone with diabetes would be eating white buns and sugar-filled jam.

These days you can get "sugar-free" jam with aspartame - but the danger of aspartame is a topic for another page.

Finally my sister decided she couldn't keep her blood sugar level even through her crackers - orange juice - chocolate milk - white bun and jam diet so she started using insulin - but she didn't know what we know now about the dangers of insulin either, even though we need insulin. . .

So What Are You Supposed To Do?

Back in the 90s, I had two kids with chronic fatigue at the same time, and one of them also had fibromyalgia. The internet was new, and I was using my dial-up to get online and look for information. I found a "message board" (remember those lol?) on fibromyalgia. It was a little community of people who were looking for answers, some who had answers, and a lot of sharing of information.

I noticed a few people talking about "The Zone Diet" and saying how much it helped them. I put a message up asking what they were talking about, and they told me where to fine the information, after which I bought no less than three Zone Diet books!

I discovered that:

  • The Zone Diet was originally researched for the purpose of reducing heart disease and heart attacks
  • But it also helped with fibromyalgia
  • It reduced ADD symptoms in my two ADD kids - (and look at that, it even helps me focus better!)
  • Then I found out it's a great way of eating for anyone with diabetes
  • Then I realized the Zone Diet was helpful for pretty much everything!

Because it's a healthy, balanced way to eat.

Back then, Dr. Sears was pretty much a lone voice in the crowd. These days, you can go Paleo, read J.J. Virgin's Sugar Impact Diet, go the Bulletproof direction, or the Skinny Gut Diet, just to name a few, and you'll find that they all have a lot in common.

  • Eat protein at every meal and snack.
  • Eat healthy fats with every meal and snack.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables and a bit of fruit.
  • Eat raw nuts and seeds. (Have you ever tried dehydrating your raw nuts? Dehydrated walnuts and almonds taste even better and are even better for you.)
  • Add fermented foods such as fermented vegetables, kefir, kombucha and fermented relishes and sauces

"So What Should I Actually Eat
To Keep My Blood Sugar Level?"

Click here to read more about what foods help will help you and what foods to avoid. Combining foods properly is also important. For example, apples may be healthy, but if apples are the only food for the whole entire day, your blood sugar is not going to stay balanced! Read more here. 

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Teresa has left the city life and lives in Prince Edward Island, Canada with her husband
and is wondering if raising chickens will be her next project.
She has 4 grown up children and 5 grandkids who try to visit when they won't
have to spend too much time dodging mosquitoes and black flies.
Teresa is a certified Strategic Interventionist through Robbins Madanes training,
a certified StrengthsFinder adviser,
and a life coach with a life-long interest in nutrition.

Teresa has a passion for helping others to find and fulfill
their full potential and to live with abundance.
She sees optimum health as a necessary part of this,
and besides, isn't this what you want?